...and it's that time again to make new (or unfulfilled) resolutions.
So, here are my resolutions for 2010:
1. to secure my first deal for my new company
2. to get myself a blackberry (ONLY if I successfully fulfill resolution #1)
3. to wean Renee off breastmilk...hahaha!
4. to try for baby #2
5. to save as much moo-lah as possible (hubby will probably laugh his head off when he reads this)
6. to unpack all my boxes on my upstairs landing
So, wish me luck...
On another note....
I really have no idea what's going on through her mind but my maid told us that she's 'setengah gila'. Yes. She did. Last night.
I was so numb I didn't know how to react so I continued eating my lobak.
But hubby hit the ceiling.
So, it's end of the year and everyone's happy and I'm stuck with a maid who's half crazy.
This is my life.
Happy New Year, everyone!